Family of James^10 Hudson Van Wicklin
Photo (left to right): Back row: Jim Van Wicklin, Jr., Sharon
(Houghton) Van Wicklin, and Jim Van Wicklin, Sr. Front row: Paula (Slown) Van Wicklin (wife of Jim VW, Jr.), Sarah Van Wicklin and Jeremiah Van Wicklin. Photo taken on 25 December

James^10 Hudson Van Wicklin (Floyd^9, Sherman^8, Gates^7, John^6, Jan^5, Paul^4, Garret^3,
Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. 1945, Rochester, NY
Married: Sharon Ann Houghton (b. 1953, New York) 25 August 1973 in Simi Valley, CA
Photo of Jim and Sharon with Jeremiah and
Sarah, 2002 (courtesy, Jim and Sharon Van Wicklin)
1. James^11 Ernest Van Wicklin (b. 16 September 1975, Simi Valley, CA)
2. Jeremiah^11 Angel Van Wicklin (b. 2 December 1978, Westlake Village, CA)
3. Sarah^11 Irene Van Wicklin (b. 29 September 1985, Westlake Village, CA)
Jim's parents are Floyd and Irene (McKee) Van Wicklin
Sharon's parents are Ernest and Gerd (Johansen) Houghton
Background information:
James^10 Hudson Van Wicklin (Floyd^9, Sherman^8, Gates^7, John^6, Jan^5, Paul^4, Garret^3,
Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), was b. 4 October 1945, Rochester, NY and m. Sharon Ann Houghton (b. 1953, NY) 25 August 1973 in Simi Valley, California.
They moved to Brentwood, TN in 1993 and Jim works for the Saturn Corporation. Sharon is a registered nurse and an
accomplished musician.
Children: James^11 Ernest Van Wicklin was b. 16 September 1975 in Simi Valley, CA and m. Paula Jean Slown (b. 17
September 1977) in 1998. Jeremiah^11 Angel Van Wicklin was b. 2 December 1978 in Westlake Village, CA.
Sarah^11 Irene Van Wicklin was b. 29 September 1985 in Westlake Village, CA.
Personal recollection and information gathered from Jim and Sharon (Houghton) Van Wicklin by email correspondence.